Donors Honored at Faculty Endowment Luncheon

From left: Unyong Nakata, executive director of development, Shidler; Randy Minas, associate professor of ITM; Jeffrey Shonka, president and CEO, First Insurance Company of Hawaii; and Vance Roley, dean, Shidler College.

For over a decade, the Hawaiʻi business community has supported the Shidler College of Business through a growing number of faculty endowments.

On April 29, forty-three donors and Shidler faculty gathered at the Pacific Club to celebrate the accomplishments of the college's endowed faculty members. The gathering was an opportunity to recognize the achievements of the recipients, while also showing gratitude to the many generous donors. Endowments help Shidler faculty to pursue research endeavors and enhance educational opportunities for students through mentorship and advising.

First Insurance Company of Hawaii, Ltd. President & CEO, Jeff Shonka and Shidler Assistant Professor of IT Management and Hon Kau and Alice Lee Faculty Fellow, Randall Minas, shared a few words with the audience as the keynote speakers. "Every time I use faculty endowment funds, I think of what is best for the university, Shidler and, most importantly, our students. And, at the end of the day, I always think of what will make the people that have shown such generosity proud to have given their donations to us," said Minas.

2019 Faculty Endowment Luncheon