Andrea Rivera Image
  • ITM Instructor
  • PhD Student


BusAD A-414

Academic Background

  • PhD in Business Administration (IT Management), University of Hawaii, Anticipated Graduation: 2025
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Florida, 2020
  • Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, San Diego State University, 2006

Research Interests

  • Responsible AI Design
  • Crisis Communication
  • Qualitative Research Methodologies and Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Selected Publications

Rivera, A., Abhari, K., Xiao, B. (2023). Virtue by design: The authenticity-control-transparency framework for responsible AI design. Under review in Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Rivera, A. & Bui, T. (2024). Design considerations for a crisis communication support system: Some supporting evidence from the Navy’s Red Hill Fuel Leak at Pearl Harbor. Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation and International Conference on Decision Support System Technology.

Rivera, A. & Bui, T. (2023). A design thinking approach to responsible crisis communication. ICIS 2023 TREO. 82.

Awards & Honors

Shidler College of Business Teaching Award (2023)

Shidler College of Business BBA Professor of the Semester for a Business Core Course (Fall 2023)

Shidler College of Business BBA Professor of the Semester for a Business Core Course (Spring 2023)