The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) has been known worldwide as the longest-standing working scientific conferences in Information Technology Management. Since 1968, HICSS has provided a highly interactive working environment for top scholars from academia and the industry from over 60 countries to exchange ideas in various areas of information, computer, and system sciences. HICSS ranks second in citation ranking among 18 Information Systems (IS) conferences [1], third in value to the MIS field among 13 Management Information Systems (MIS) conferences [2], and second in conference rating among 11 IS conferences [3].
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[1] Hock Chan, Hee-Woong Kim, and Weai Chee Tan, Information System Citation Patterns from ICIS Articles, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57 (#9) July 2006, pp. 1263-1274.
[2] Kent A. Walstrom and Bill C. Hardgrave, Forums for information systems scholars: III, Information & Management, Vol. 39 (2001) pp. 117-124.
[3] Bill C. Hardgrave and Kent A. Walstrom, Forums for MIS Scholars, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 40 (#11) November 1997, pp. 119-124.