Rick Kazman
  • Danny and Elsa Lui Distinguished Professor of Information Technology Management


Shidler C-401c


(808) 956-6948

Academic Background

  • I am interested in the architectural design and analysis of large, complex software-intensive systems. I care not only about the technical aspects of design but also the economic, social, and environmental implications of design decisions.
  • My methods and tools have been adopted by Fortune 500 companies world-wide.
  • According to Google Scholar my research has been cited over 30,000 times.

In my spare time I like to play taekwondo, ride my bike, play piano, and sing.  

Research Interests

My research centers on the following topics, and their interaction of course:

  • Software Architecture Design and Analysis
  • Architecture/Design Analysis Tools and Methods
  • Technical Debt/Architecture Debt
  • Socio-Technical Congruence
  • IT Economics


Selected Publications


H. Cervantes, R. Kazman, Designing Software Architectures: A Practical Approach, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley, 2024 (1st ed. 2016).

L. Bass, P. Clements, R. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, 4th ed. Addison-Wesley, 2021, (3rd ed., 2012, 2nd ed., 2003, 1st ed., 1998).

N. Ernst, J. Delange, R. Kazman, Technical Debt in Practice – A Practitioner’s Perspective, MIT Press, 2021.

L. Northrop, P. Feiler, R. Gabriel, J. Goodenough, R. Linger, T. Longstaff, R. Kazman, M. Klein, D. Schmidt, K. Sullivan, and K. Wallnau, Ultra-Large-Scale Systems: The Software Challenge of the Future. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 2006.

P. Clements, R. Kazman, M. Klein, Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies, Addison- Wesley, 2001.


Journal Articles (last 5 years)

H. Fang, Y. Cai, E. Tempero, R. Kazman, Y-C Tu, J. Lefever, E. Pisch “A Holistic Approach to Design Understanding through Concept Explanation”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2025, to appear.


C. Paradis, R. Kazman, M. Konrad, “A Socio-technical Perspective on Software Vulnerabilities: A Causal Analysis”, Information and Software Technology, 176, December, 2024.

S. Ahmadjee, C. Mera-Gomez, S. Farshidi, R. Bahsoon, R. Kazman, “Decision Support Model for Selecting the Optimal Blockchain Oracle Platform: An Evaluation of Key Factors”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, to appear, 2024.

S. Fungprasertkul, R. Bahsoon, R. Kazman, “Technical Debt Monitoring Decision Making with Skin in the Game”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, to appear, 2024.

C. Paradis, R. Kazman, D. Tamburri, “Analyzing the Tower of Babel with Kaiaulu”, Journal of Systems and Software, 210, April 2024.

Y. Cai, R. Kazman, “Software Design Analysis and Technical Debt Management based on Design Rule Theory”, Information and Software Technology, 164, December 2023.

G. Marquez, H. Astudillo, R. Kazman, “Architectural Tactics in Software Architecture: A Systematic Mapping Study”, Journal of Systems and Software, 197, March, 2023.

P. Antonino, R. Capilla, R. Kazman, T. Kuhn, F. Schnicke, T. Treichel, A. Bachorek, Z. Zhang, V. Salamanca, “Continuous Engineering for Industry 4.0 Architectures and Systems”, Software Practice and Experience, 55:10, October, 2022.

S. Chowdhury, R. Holmes, A. Zaidman, R. Kazman, “Revisiting the Debate: Are Code Metrics Useful for Measuring Maintenance Effort?”, Empirical Software Engineering, 27:158, 2022.

W. Jin, D. Zhong, Y. Cai, R. Kazman, X. Zhang, T. Liu, “Evaluating the Impact of Possible Dependencies on Architecture-level Maintainability”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to appear, 2022.

L. Duboc, F. Alrebeish, V. Nallur, R. Bahsoon, R. Kazman, P. Bianco, M. A. Babar, R. Buyya, “Systematic Scalability Modeling of QoS-Aware Dynamic Service Composition”, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2022.

D. Santos, B. Oliveira, R. Kazman, E. Nakagawa, “Evaluation of Systems-of-Systems Software Architectures: State of the Art and Future Perspectives”, ACM Computing Surveys, to appear, 2022.

D. Tamburri, R. Kazman, H. Fahimi, “On the Relationship Between Organisational Structure Patterns and Architecture in Agile Teams”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to appear, 2022.

D. Sobhy, L. Minku, R. Bahsoon, R. Kazman, “Continuous and Proactive Software Architecture Evaluation: An IoT Case”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 31:3, July, 2022.

V. Alizadeh, S. Rebai, M. Kessentini, H. Fehri, R. Kazman, “Enabling Decision and Objective Space Exploration for Interactive Multi-Objective Refactoring”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48:5, May, 2022.

S. Ahmadjee, C. Mera-Gomez, R. Bahsoon, R. Kazman, “A Study on Blockchain Architecture Design Decisions and their Security Attacks and Threats”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, to appear 2022.

A. Tang, R. Kazman, “Decision-Making Principles for Better Software Design Decisions”, IEEE Software, 38, Nov-Dec. 2021.

L. Xiao, R. Kazman, Y. Cai, R. Mo, Q. Feng, “Detecting the Locations and Predicting the Costs of Compound Architectural Debts”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to appear, 2021

D. Sobhy, R. Bahsoon, L. Minku, R. Kazman, “Evaluation of Software Architectures under Uncertainty: A Systematic Literature Review”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 30:4, June, 2021.

C. Abid, V. Alizadeh, M. Kessentini, M. Dhaouadi, R. Kazman, “Prioritizing Refactorings for Security Critical Code”, Automated Software Engineering, to appear, 2021.

W. Mauerer, M. Joblin, D. Tamburri, C. Paradis, R. Kazman, S. Apel, “In Search of Socio-Technical Congruence: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to appear, 2021.

W. Yanez, R. Bahsoon, Y. Zhang, R. Kazman, “Architecting Internet of Thing Systems with Blockchain: A Catalog of Tactics”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 30:3, May, 2021.

M. Kessentini, S. Rebai, A. Amich, S. Molaei, R. Kazman, “Multi-Objective Code Reviewer Recommendations: Balancing Expertise, Availability and Collaborations”, Automated Software Engineering, 27, September, 2020.

V. Alizadeh, S. Rebai, M. Kessentini, H. Fehri, R. Kazman, “Enabling Decision and Objective Space Exploration for Interactive Multi-Objective Refactoring”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, September, 2020

C. Abid, M. Kessentini, V. Alizadeh, M. Dhaouadi, R. Kazman “How Does Refactoring Impact Security When Improving Quality? A Security-Aware Refactoring Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to appear, 2021.

R. Capilla, R. Kazman, C. Romera, C. Carillo, “Usability Implications in Software Architecture: The Case Study of a Mobile App”, Software: Practice and Experience, 50:12, 2020

M. Kessentini, S. Rebai, A. Amich, S. Molaei, R. Kazman, “Multi-Objective Code Reviewer Recommendations: Balancing Expertise, Availability and Collaborations”, Automated Software Engineering, 27, 2020.

D. Tamburri, K. Blincoe, F. Palomba, R. Kazman, “The Canary in the Coal Mine...": A Cautionary Tale from the Decline of SourceForge”, Software: Practice and Experience, 50:10, October, 2020.

D. Tamburri, F. Palomba, R. Kazman, “Success and Failure in Software Engineering: A Followup Systematic Literature Review”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68:2, April 2021.

S. Hassan, R. Bahsoon, R. Kazman, “Microservice Transition and its Granularity Problem: A Systematic Mapping Study”, Software: Practice and Experience, June, 2020.

S. Rebai, M. Kessentini, V. Alizadeh, R. Kazman, “Recommending Refactorings via Commit Message Analysis”, Information and Software Technology, 126, October, 2020.

D. Sobhy, L. Minku, R. Bahsoon, T. Chen, R. Kazman, “Run-time Evaluation of Architectures: A Case Study of Diversification in IoT”, Journal of Systems and Software, 159, January 2020.