“Glimpse Into The Future (AGIF)” conference was borne and sponsored by the Accounting Club and Beta Alpha Psi in the fall of 1977. The objective was to provide opportunities and privilege for accounting students and professionals to be included in discussions of current developments in accounting with national experts. A copy of second AGIF program in January 1979 can be seen here

AGIF objectives were (are):

1) To give Hawaii's accountants an opportunity to listen to and discuss, with nationally recognized speakers, the current, pending, and future developments in accounting and auditing, both in principle and in practice.

2) To enable students to broaden their academic horizons by giving them an opportunity to witness, participate in, and experience the dynamism and growth of the accounting profession.

3) To bring professionals and students together for a mutually beneficial exchange of thoughts and ideas, with the intent of fostering increased interaction between professional accountants and aspiring professionals.