Policies and Procedures
1. SOA, Undergraduate, MAcc and PhD programs Missions
2. SOA Policy and Procedures of Mentoring
3. SOA Advancement Fund Management Committee
4. School of Accountancy Student Scholarships and Awards Committee
5. Faculty Expectations for the School of Accountancy
6. School of Accountancy Procedures Governing Tenure, Promotion and Contract Renewal
7. Recommendation of the Director
8. CBA Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
9. School of Accountancy Procedures Governing Special Salary Adjustments
10. SOA Planning and Public Relations Committee
15. SOA Introductory & Managerial Accounting Sub-Committee
16. SOA Financial Accounting / Auditing / Not-for-Profit Accounting Sub-Committee
17. SOA Taxation Sub-Committee
18. SOA Communications and Skills Development Sub-Committee
19. School of Accountancy Workload Policy