PhD Program in Business Administration with Accounting Concentration

Excellent Opportunities for Ph.D. Students


Hawai’i Accounting Research Conference (HARC) is an annual global accounting conference held at the University of Hawai’i (UH) in early January. The purpose of the conference is to provide a venue that is both delightful and affordable for attendees to engage in lively discussions about intellectually stimulating accounting research.

The conference is held at UH and uses UH facilities, including the housing facilities, to create an opportunity for all accounting researchers to attend and present quality research. While the conference founders do not seek financial sponsorship, individuals, corporations, and universities, are encouraged to provide financial support for attendees who may not be able to cover all of their registration and travel expenses.

For additional information please visit


The Hawaii Accounting Research Doctoral Institute (HARDI) invites selected Ph.D. students from the top institutions to attend a three-week Ph.D. consortium at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Participating Ph.D. students have the opportunity to:

  • Develop and exchange research inquiries relevant to the profession
  • Obtain insight into the future of accounting research from excellent researchers and peers
  • Discuss, share, and develop novel research ideas
  • Prepare research papers for influential conferences
  • Meet with other Ph.D. candidates from top-tier schools and establish long-lasting connections

For additional information please visit


Ph.D. Students-Faculty Collaborative Publications

Ph.D. Gradudate NamesGraduating yearPublicationsFaculty Collaborator
Anna Jeong2023 (Expected)Jeong, Anna Y., and Lim, Jee-Hae. (2022). The Impact of Blockchain Technology Adoption Announcements on Firm’s Market ValueJournal of Information Systems. Jee-Hae Lim
Juan Qin and Kunsu Park2017Park, Kunsu, Qin, Juan, Seidel, Timothy, and Zhou, Jian. (2021). Determinants and Consequences of Noncompliance with the 2013 COSO FrameworkJournal of Accounting and Public Policy, 40(6), 106899.Jian Zhou
Ying Guo and Fujiao Xie2014 and 2016Xie, Fujiao, Daniel, Shirley J., Guo, Ying, and Lee, Dongyoung. (2022). Is the Global Supply Chain Hard to Reverse? Understanding Manufacturing Strategies of Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean FirmsJournal of Corporate Accounting & Finance.Shirley Daniel
Joshua Cieslewicz and Jaehyeon Kim2010 and 2016Cieslewicz, Joshua, Daniel, Shirley J., Kim, Jaehyeon. (2020). Relationships between the Institutional Environment and Corporate Governance Practices: Implications for Emerging versus Developed CountriesAccountancy Business and the Public Interest, 19, 60-91.Shirley Daniel
Jaehyeon Kim2016Cheng, C. S., Kim, Jaehyeon, Rhee, Mooweon ,and Zhou, Jian. (2021). Time Orientation in Languages and Tax Avoidance. Journal of Business Ethics, 180(2), 625–650.Jian Zhou
Jaehyeon Kim2016Kim, Jaehyeon and Kim, Yongtae and Zhou, Jian. (2021). Time Encoding in Languages and Investment Efficiency" Management Science, 67(4), 2609-2629. Jian Zhou
Jaehyeon Kim2016Kim, Jaehyeon, Yongtae Kim, and Zhou, Jian. (2017). “Languages and Earnings Management.Journal of Accounting and Economics 63(2-3), 288–306.Jian Zhou
Fujiao Xie2016Xie, Fujiao, & Daniel, Shirley J. (2021). Analysis of Measures of Audit Failure. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 13(2). Shirley Daniel
Fujiao Xie2016Daniel, Shirley J., Xie, Fujiao, and Kedia, Ben L. (2019). U.S. Business Needs for International Expertise by Functional Business Discipline.” Journal of International Business Education, (14).Shirley Daniel
Ying Guo2014Guo, Ying, Jung, Boochun, and Yang, Yanhua Sunny. (2019). On the Nonlinear Relation between Product Market Competition and Earnings QualityAccounting and Business Research, 49(7), 818–846.Boochun Jung
Eric Wen2012Jung, Boochun, Pourjalali, Hamid, Wen, Eric, and Daniel, Shirley J. (2013). The association between firm characteristics and CFO's opinions on the fair value option for non-financial assets. Advances in accounting 29(2), 255-266.Boochun Jung, Hamid Pourjalali, Shirley Daniel
Joshua Cieslewicz2010Daniel, Shirley J., Cieslewicz, Joshua K., and Pourjalali, Hamid. (2012). The impact of national economic culture and country-level institutional environment on corporate governance practices. Management International Review, 52(3), 365-394.Shirley Daniel and Hamid Pourjalali
Joshua Cieslewicz2010Daniel, Shirley J., Cieslewicz, Joshua K., and Pearson, Thomas C. (2011). State regulation's significant impact on corporate governance practices, earnings management, and disclosure. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 18(2), 105-124.Shirley Daniel and Tom Pearson