John Butler
  • Professor Emeritus of Management


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(808) 956-9617

Academic Background

  • PhD, New York University, New York, NY, 1985
  • MPhil, New York University, New York, NY, 1982
  • MBA, LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA, 1980
  • BA, St. Francis University, Loretta, PA, 1968

Selected Publications

Journals (2000 - present)

Priem, R.I., Butler, J.E. and Li S. (2013) Toward Reimagining Strategy Research: Retrospection and Prospection on the 2011 AMR Decade Award Article.  Academy of Management Review, Vol. 38(4), pp. 471-489.

Butler, John E., Doktor, Robert and Lins, Frederick (2010) Linking International Entrepreneurship to Uncertainty, Opportunity discover and Cognition. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 8(2), pp. 121-134.

Wang, Wei, Hsieh, JJ Po-An, Butler, John E. and Hsu, Sheng-Hsun (2008). “Innovate with Complex Information Technologies: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Examination. Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 49 (1), 27-36.

Lee, Soo Hoon, John E. Butler and Borje O. Saxberg (2008). “Exit Preferences in Family Business.” In P.H. Phan and J.E. Butler (Eds.) Theoretical Developments and Future Research in Family Business (pp. 149-174). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Ko, Stephen and John E. Butler (2007) “Creativity: A Key Link to Entrepreneurial Behavior.” Business Horizons, Vol. 50(5), 365-372.

Wei, Wang and John E. Butler (2006) “Effects of Adoption Determinants in Voluntary Contexts on IS mandated usage." Journal of Information Sciences and Technology, 3(3), pp. 5-23.

Phan, P., John E. Butler and Soo-Hoon Lee (2006). “Corporate Governance and Management Succession in Family Business.” In Dominique Demougin and Christian Schade (Eds.) An Economic Perspective on Entrepreneurial Decision Making (pp.97-115). Berlin: Duncker & Humbolt.

Lockett, Andy, Deniz Ucbasaran and John Butler (2006) “Opening Up the Investor-Investee Dyad: Syndicates, Teams and Networks.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 30(2), pp. 117-130.

Wei, Wang and John E. Butler (2006) “System Deep Usage in Post-Acceptance Stage: A Literature Review and a New Research Framework." International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol. 1 (4), pp. 439-462).

Ko, Stephen, and John E. Butler (2006). “Prior Knowledge, Bisociative Mode of Thinking and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification.” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 3(1), pp. 3-16.

Butler, John E. and Jerry Sullivan (2005). “Crisis Response Tactics: U.S. SME’s Responses to the Asian Financial Crisis .” Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship. 17(2). 56-69

Fryxell, Gerald E., John Butler and Amanda Choi (2004) “Successful Localization Programs in China: An Important Element in Strategy Implementation.” Journal of World Business, Vol. 39, pp. 268-282.

Butler, John E., Stephen Ko and Wai Chamornmarn (2004). “Asian Entrepreneurship Research: A Profile and Assessment” In Kwok Leung and Stephen White (Eds.) Handbook of Asian Management (pp. 207-244). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Phan, Phillip H., and John E. Butler (2003) “Entrepreneurs' Attitudes, Strategy Choice and Firm Performance.” Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 15 (1), pp.74-91.

Butler, John E. and Lee, Thomas W. (2003) Regional recovery and development: The role of hrm in East and Southeast Asia. Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 13(3), pp. 367-372.

Burton, James P., Butler, John E. and Mowday, Richard T. (2003) Lions, tigers and alley cats: HRM’s role in Asian business development. Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 13(3), pp. 491-502.

Butler, John E, Brad Brown, and Wai Chamornmarn (2003). “Informational Networks, Entrepreneurial Action and Performance,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol. 20, pp. 151-174.

Priem, Richard and Butler, John E. (2001). Is the Resource-Based “View” a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management? Academy of Management Review, 26(1), pp. 22-40..

Butler, John E., Phan, Phillip H., Saxberg, Borje O. & Lee, Soo Hoon. (2001) “Entrepreneurial Succession, Firm Growth and Performance.” Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 9 (4), pp. 407-436.

Priem, Richard and Butler, John E. (2001) “Tautology in the Resource-Based View and the Implications of Externally Determined Resource Value: Further Comments.” Academy of Management Review, 26(1), pp. 57-66.

Butler, John E, Hean Tat Keh and Wai Chamornmarn (2000) Information Acquisition, Entrepreneurial Performance and the Evolution of Modern Thai Retailing. Journal of Asian Business, Vol. 16 (2). Pp. 1-24.

Chamornmarn, Wai and Butler, John E. (2000). “The Impact of Economic Crisis on Thai Management Philosophy.” Journal of Business Administration, 23(88): 1:12.

Butler, John E., Brown, Brad and Chamornmarn, Wai (2000) “Guanxi and the Dynamics of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurial Behavior: in Southeast Asia.” In J.T. Li, Anne Tsui and Elizabeth (Eds.) Management and Organizations in the Chinese Context. (pp. 245-268), London: Macmillan.

Books (2000 - present)

Phan, Phillip H. and John E. Butler Eds. (2008). Theoretical Developments and Future Research in Family Business. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Lockettt, Andy, Ucbasaran, Denez and Butler, John E. Eds. (2006),Venture Capital and the New World of Entrepreneurship.Volume 5 in Research in Entrepreneurship and Management Series. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

John E. Butler Co-Editor (2005) Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005, The Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology: Hawthorne, Australia.

Butler, John E. Ed. (2004) Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior. Volume 4 in Research in Entrepreneurship and Management Series. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Butler, John E. Ed. (2004) Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior.Volume 4 in Research in Entrepreneurship and Management Series. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Butler, John E. Ed. (2003), New Perspectives on Women Entrepreneurs,Volume 3 in Research in Entrepreneurship and Management Series. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Butler, John E. Ed. (2001) E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship, Volume 1 in Research in Entrepreneurship and Management Series. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Awards & Honors

  • 2011 - Academy of Management Review Paper of the Decade Award
  • 2008 - Service Award, Shidler College of Business
  • 2005 - William Bygrave Best Paper Award, AGSE International Entrepreneurship Exchange