Robert Doktor
  • Professor of Management


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(808) 956-0765

Academic Background

  • PhD, Stanford University, 1970
  • BS, Electrical Engineering (Honors), Lafayette College, 1966
  • BA, Psychology (Honors), Lafayette College, 1966

Selected Publications

Journal Editorships (Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal)

Management Science, 1979: “Implementation of Management Science”

Acadeny Of Management Review, 1991: “International Management”

International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Small Business, 2015, “Information Systems Contributions To Entrepreneurship”


Doktor, R.H., and Moses, M. (co-editors), Managerial Insights: Analysis, Decisions, and implementation, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1973.

Bobbit, H.R., Brienholt, R., Doktor, R.H., and McNaul, J., Organizational Behavior: Predicition and Understanding, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1974. (Extensively revised for second edition, 1979)

Doktor, R.H., Edge, A., and Kelley, L., Experiencing Management, Management Publishing Inc., Honolulu, 1980.

Bass, B.M., Burger, P., Doktor, R.H., and Barrett, G., Managerial Advancement: An International Comparison, Free Press, New York, 1980.

Bangert, D., Doktor, R.H. (Editors), Human and Organizational Dynamics in e-Health, Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxford, UK, 2005. Re-issued by publisher in 2020 as e-book.

Book Chapters

Leavitt, H.J., and Doktor, R.H., “Personal Growth, Lab Training, Science, and All That: A Shot at a Cognitive Clarification,“ Journal of Applied Behavior Sciences, vol 6, No 2, 1970, Reprinted, Reading in Managerial Psychology, 1973.

Doktor, R.H., “Computers and Cognitive Style,“ chapter in North American Perspective EDUCOM, Princeton, 1975.

Doktor, R.H., and Loper, M., “Interpersonal Relations,” chapter in the Handbook for Professional Managers, McGraw-Hill, 1985.

Doktor, R.H., Summary of research entitled, “Time Spending Patterns of CEO’s in Japan, Hong Kong, Korea and USA” reprinted special section of text, Organizational Behavior by Hellgriegel and Slocum thought by many observers to be the standard text in the field, 1989.

Adler, N., Doktor, R.H. (and in collaboration S.G. Redding), “From the Atlantic to the Pacific: Cross Cultural Management Reviewed,” reprinted in Organizational Science Abroad (ed. C.A.B. Osigweh), Plenum, 1989. (reprint of journal article)

Adler, N., and Doktor, R.H., “From the Atlantic to the Pacific: Cross Cultural Management Reviewed,” Chapter in Rugman, A., Canadian Dimensions of International Business: A Stragetic Approach, Prentice Hall, 1989. (reprint of journal article)

Adler, N. and Doktor, R.H., “From the Atlantic to the Pacific: Cross Cultural Management Review in Global Strategic Management The Essentials. John Wiley and Sons, 1990. (reprint of journal article)

​Doktor, R.H. and Lie, J. “The Impact of Information Technology and International Competition on Organizational Democracy: The Case of South Korea” International Handbook of Participation in Organizations, vol III, Oxford University Press, 1993.

Bangert, D.C. and Doktor, R.H., “Organizational Learning and Culture in the Managerial Implementation of Clinical e-Health Systems: an International Perspective” Human and Organizational Dynamics in e-Health, Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxford, UK, 2005.

Campbell, C.J., Chang, R.P., Doktor, R., De Jong, J.C., Oxelheim, L., Randoy, T., “ Executive Incentive Compensation and Economic Prosperity”, Oxelheim, L. and C. Wihlborg (eds.), Markets and Compensation for Executives in Europe, Emerald Group Publishing (Elsevier),2008.

Recent Scholarly Publications

Oxelheim, DeJong, Doktor, Chang, & Randoy, “CEO Incentives Shown to Yield Positive Societal Benefits”, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL FORUM ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL REGULATION.. August, 2019.

Bangert, D., Doktor, R.H. (Editors) Human and Organizational Dynamics in e- Health, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (Re-issued by new Publisher, 2018.

Doktor, R. and Bui, T., “The Symbiotic Relationship of Entrepreneurship And Information Technology, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIPAND SMALL BUSINESS,,vol 33, No. 4, 2018.

Campbell, Chang, Dejong, Doktor, Oxelheim, Randoy, "The impact of long term equity compensation upon economic growth in collectivist vs individualist countries, ASIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS, MIT Press, vol 15:2, April, 2016.

Lins, Fred & Robert Doktor, A Theory of Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Discovery, Knowledge Creation and Decision-Making,BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, March, 2014,.

Valdez,M.,Doktor,R.,Dana,L.,& Singer, A., Impact of Tolerance for Uncertainty upon Opportunistic and Necessity Entrepreneurship, HUMAN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT, July,2011.

 Butler,J.,Doktor,R.,& Lins,F.,Linking International Entrepreneurship To Uncertainty, Opportunity Discovery, And Cognition, J. of International Entrepreneurship, 2010. 8: 121-134.

Recent Conference Presentations

Doktor, R. Leadership Cultural Encounters, European Business and Economics Society, Berlin, Germany, April 18, 2024.

Doktor, R., Managerial ProblemSolving, Decision Taking, and Solution Implementation: Insights from indigenous Epistemologies Working Paper, association of Social Anthropology of Oceania International Meetings, Kona, Hi Feb. 2023.

Doktor, R., Leadership Encounters Across Differences In Contemporary Oceania, International Conference of the European Society for Oceania, Corsica, May-June 2022.

Doktor, R., “Touch, Heart, Mind, and Pacific Island Cultures, Association of Social Anthropology of Oceania Annual Meetings, Hilo, Hi. Feb. 2020.

Doktor, R , The Neuroscience of Touch and the Practice of Leadership, Association of Social Anthropology of Oceania Annual Meetings, Auckland, NZ, Feb. 2019.

Doktor, R, National Economic Growth and CEO IncentiveCompensation. International Conference on Business and Economic Growth, NYC, April, 2017.

Doktor,R. IS Contributions towards Entrepreneurship. HICSS, Jan,2016

Best Conference Paper Award

Campbell, Chang, DeJong, Doktor, Oxelheim, Chang

Australia/ New Zealand Academy of Management , CEO Equity Compensation and National Productivity, 2015

Selected Journal Articles

Leavitt, H.H., and Doktor, R,H., “Personal Growth, Lab Training, Science, and All That, A Shot at a Cognitive Clarification,” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, vol 6, No 2, 1970.

Watzke, G., Doktor, R.H., Dana, J., and Rubenstein, F., “An Experimental Study of Individual vs. Group Interest,” ACTA Sociological, vol 15, No 4, 1972.

Doktor, R.H., and Hamilton, W., “The Acceptance of Management Science Recommendations,” Management Science, vol 19, No 8, April, 1973.

Doktor, R.H., and Makridakis, S., “Computer Simulation of the Communication Network Experiments: An Application of Stability Theory,” General Systems, vol XIX, pp 195-199, 1974.

Doktor, R.H, and Burger, P. “A Comparative Empirical Study of Industrial Strife and Managerial Behavior In Western Europe and the United States,” Industrial Relations, vol 14, No 2, May, 1975.

Rubenstein, F.D, Watzke, G., Doktor, R.H., and Dana J., “The Effect of Two Incentive Schemes Upon the Conservation of Shared Resources By Five Person Groups,” Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, vol 13, pp 330-338, 1975.

Burger, P.C., Doktor, R.H., “Cross Cultural Analysis of the Structure of Self-Perception Attitudes Among Managers From India, Italy, West Germany and the Netherlands,” Management International Review, Issue 2/3, 1976.

Doktor, R.H., and Bloom, D.M., “Selective Laterication of Cognitive Styles Related to Occupation As Determined By EEG Alpha Asymmetry,” Psycho-Physiology, vol 14, No 4, pp 385-387, 1977.

Doktor, R.H., “Problem Solving Style of Executive and Management Scientists,” Management Science, Special Issue Edited by Charnes, Cooper and Niehaus, 1978.

Doktor, R.H., Schultz, R., and Slevin, D. (ed.), “Implementation of Management Science,” Management Science, 1979.

Doktor, R.H., “Culture and the Management of Time,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, vol 1, No 1, September 1983.

Adler, N., Doktor, R.H., (and in collaboration S.G. Redding), “From the Atlantic to the Pacific Century: Cross-Cultural Management Reviewed,” Journal of Management, vol 12, No 2, Summer, 1986, pp 295-318.

Doktor, R.H., “The Myth of the Pacific Century,” Futures, vol 22, No 1, 1990, pp 78-82.

Doktor, R.H., “Culture and Management in Hong Kong, Korea and Japan,” Organizational Dynamics, Winter 1990, pp 46-56.

Doktor, R.H., Tung, R.L. and Von Ginlow, M.A. (ed.), “Incorporating International Dimensions in Management Theory Building,” Academy of Management Review, 1991.

Doktor, R.H., Tung, R.L. and Von Gilnow, M.A., “Future Directions for Management Theory Development,” Academy of Management Review, 1991, pp 362-366.

Bangert, D., Doktor, “Enhancing Medical Decision Making Through Telemedicine,” International J. Healthcare Technology and Management, vol 2, Nos1-4, pp 255-270, 2000.

Bangert, D. and Doktor, R.H., “Implementing Store-and-Forward Telemedicine: Organizational Issues,” Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, vol 6, No 3, pp. 355-360, 2000.

Bangert, D., Doktor, R.H. and Johnson, Erik, “Designing Web-Based Telemedicine Training for Military Healthcare Providers,” Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, Vol. 20, no.3, 2001.

Hofstede, G. et. al. with Doktor, R.H. et. al., “What Goals Do Business Leaders Pursue? A Study in Fifteen Countries,” JIBS, 4th Quarter 2002.

Bangert, D., Doktor, R.H. and Johnson, Erik, “Preparing Healthcare Professionals for Telemedicine: Results from Educational Needs Research,” Journal of Interactive Learning Environments, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 199-216, December 2002.

Bangert, D., Doktor, R.H., “Telemedicine as an IS implementation problem: Comparison of dynamics in the USA and India,” International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, vol. 4, no. 6, 2003.

Singer, A. & Doktor, R.H., “Can An Entrepreneur Attain Wisdom?”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol 5, issue 5, 2008.

Valdez, Michael E., Munusamy, Vijayan P., Budde, A, Lo, K., Suarez, C., and Doktor, R.,”Sustained Rapid Economic Growth and Cultural Convergence: Comparative Longitudinal Analysis of Evidence from GLOBE and Hofstede”, JABS, volume 4, issue 1, Fall, 2009.

Butler, J., Doktor, R., & Lins, F., Linking International Entrepreneurship To Uncertainty, opportunity Discovery, And Cognition, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2010. 8: 121-134.

Valdez, M., Doktor, R., Dana, L., & Singer, A., Impact of Tolerance for Uncertaity upon Opportunistic and necessity Entrepreneurship, Human Systems Management, July 2011.

Lins, Fred & Robert Doktor, A Theory Of Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Dicovery, Knowledge Creation And Decision-making, Business & Management Research, March, 2014.