- Chair, Department of Marketing
- Professor of Marketing
- Harold and Sandy Noborikawa Chair of Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Information Technology
Academic Background
- PhD, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
- MA, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
- BA, Nanjing Normal University
Courses Taught
- MKT 321 Marketing Research (3)
- MKT 362 Internet Marketing (3)
- MKT 363 Customer Relationship Management (3)
- MKT 372 Marketing for New Ventures (3)
- BUS 623 Marketing Management (3)
- MKT 654 - Strategic Brand Management and Marketing Communications (3)
- MKT 658 - Marketing in the Information Age (3)
- MKT 690 - Advanced Seminar in Marketing (3)
- MKT 702 - International Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior (3)
- MKT 703 - Seminar in Marketing Strategy (3)
Research Interests
- Consumer Empowerment
- Innovation/Knowledge
Selected Publications
"(Em)powering the Underdog: How Power States Enhance Referral Intention-Behavior Consistency for Underdog Entrepreneurs." Journal of Business Research, Special Issue on Underdog Entrepreneurship: Causes, Mechanisms, Transitions and Impacts (forthcoming). [with Yi He, Miao Hu and Daoji Li]
"Toward a Common Customer Identity Framework for Managing Participatory Marketing Communication Campaigns." Journal of Advertising, 2024, [with Angeline Nariswari and Dana Alden]
"The Coalescence Effect: How a Combination of Foreign and Local Appeals Enhances Customer Engagement through Perceived Brand Globalness," Journal of International Marketing, 2023, [with Miao Hu, Jie Chen, and Dana Alden]
"Understanding Guests' Evaluation of Green Hotels: The Interplay between Willingness to Sacrifice for the Environment and Intent vs. Quality-based Market Signals," International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2022, [with Miao Hu, Yi He, Ingrid Lin and Anna S. Mattila]
"The Interplay Between Brand Relationship Norms and Ease of Sharing on Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Willingness to Pay," Information & Management, 2021, [with You Ya, Yi He and Miao Hu]
"Navigating Relationship Norms: An Exploration of How Content Strategies Improve Brand Valuation Over Time," Journal of Advertising, 2020, [with Yi He, Miao Hu, and Jaisang Kim]
"The Mind-Set to Share: An Exploration of Antecedents of Narrowcasting Versus Broadcasting in Digital Advertising," Journal of Advertising, 2017, [with Ilyoung Ju, Yi He, Wei He, Bin Shen, and Sela Sar]
"Consumers' Role Performance and Brand Identification: Evidence from a Survey and a Longitudinal Field Experiment," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2017, (lead article) [with Yi He, Ruby Lee, Yonggui Wang and Attila Pohlmann]
“Time Will Tell: Managing Post-Purchase Changes in Brand Attitude,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016, [with Yi He and Dana Alden]
“Siding with the underdog: is your customer voting effort a sweet deal for your competitors?” Marketing Letters, 2016, [with Angeline Nariswari]
“Managing Sub-Branding Affect Transfer: The Role of Consideration Set Size and Brand Loyalty,” Marketing Letters, 2016, [with Yi He, Ruby Lee and Leona Tam]
"Enhancing Stock Market Return with New Product Preannouncements: The Role of Information Quality and Innovativeness,” Journal Product Innovation Management, 2016, [with Ruby Lee, and Nathan Hartmann]
"The Synergetic Effect of MNC Management's Social Cognitive Capability on Tacit Knowledge Management--Product Innovation Ability Insights from Asia,” Journal International Marketing, 2015, [with Maggie Sheng, Nathan Hartmann and Irene Chen]
"Consumption in the Public Eye: The Influence of Social Presence on Service Experience,” Journal Business Research, 2012, [with Yi He and Dana Alden]
“Linking Customer Resources to Firm Success,” Journal of Business Research, 2011, [with Ruby Lee and Gillian Naylor]
“Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and Truths About Mediation Analysis,” 2010, Journal of Consumer Research. 37 (August), 197-206. (Lead Article) [with Xinshu Zhao and John G. Lynch]
“In Search of Platforms to Increase Market Responsiveness: Evidence from Foreign Subsidiaries,” 2009, Journal of International Marketing, 17(2), 59-73. [with Ruby P. Lee and Xiongwen Lu]
“The Immediate Impact of New Product Introductions on Stock Price – The Role of Firm Resources and Size,” 2008, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(1), 97-107. [with Ruby P. Lee]
“Knowledge Transfer Between Multinational Corporations' Headquarters and Their Subsidiaries: Influences on and Implications for New Product Outcomes,” 2008, Journal of International Marketing, 16(2), 1-31. [with Ruby Lee, Dackwan Kim and Jean L. Johnson).
"Contexual Priming and Applicability: Implications for Ad attitude and Brand Evaluations," 2007, Journal of Advertising. 36(1), 69-81. [with Fuyuan Shen]
"The Performance Implications of Entrepreneurial Proclivity: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach," 2006, Journal of Retailing, 82(1): 51-62. [with David A. Griffith and Stephanie M. Noble]
"Internet Community Group Participation: Psychosocial Benefits for Women with Breast Cancer," 2005, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(4). [with Shelly Rodgers]
"The Influence of Virtual Direct Experience on Online Ads Message Effectiveness," 2004, Journal of Advertising, 33(1), 55-69. [with David A. Griffith]
Awards & Honors
- 2017 - Distance Learning--EMBA Professor of the Spring 2017 Semester
- 2016 - Shirley M. Lee Research Award, Shidler College of Business
- 2014 - Shirley M. Lee Research Award, Shidler College of Business
- 2013 - Winner of the Journal of Consumer Research Best Article Award
- 2009 - University Fellow, Hong Kong Baptist University
- 2008 - S. Tamer Cavusgil Award, the Journal of International Marketing, most significant contribution to the advancement and practice of international marketing management, American Marketing Association
- 2007 - Shirley M. Lee Research Award, Shidler College of Business
- 2005 - CBA Distinguished Research Award
- 2003 - MSI (Marketing Science Institute) Research Award
- 2001 - Joseph M. Juran Fellowship Award, Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality
- 2000 - Distinguished Service Award, Management of Information Science Research Center, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Academic Positions
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Shidler College of Business, Honolulu, Hawai‘i
Since 2020, Harold and Sandy Noborikawa Chair of Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Information Technology
2014-2021, (Senior) Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
2006-2014, Chair, Department of Marketing
2013-2020, Jean E. Rolles Distinguished Professor
2007-2013, Shidler College Distinguished Professor
Since 2010, Professor of Marketing
2006-2009, Associate Professor of Marketing
2001-2005, Assistant Professor of Marketing
Work Experience & External Consultant Experience
- Siemens AG
- MediaOne Group (Comcast MO Group)
- Nielsen Media Center
- General Mills
- 3M
- DDB Worldwide
- OmniTrak Group
Research Impact
- 20,000+ Google Scholar Citations
- No.1 Most Cited Article in the Journal of Consumer Research (a UT Dallas-24, and Financial Times-50 Leading Business Journal http://jcr.oxfordjournals.org/articles/most-cited)
- 1st Most Cited Marketing Paper across all top 20 Marketing Journals in the past 4 years (www.marketingscience.org, Spring 2014)
- No. 1 Most Cited Article in digital advertising area in the Journal of Advertising Research (Donthu et al. 2022)
- No. 3 Most Cited Article in the Journal of Advertising Research (Brown et al. 2020)
- 9th Key Influencer in the field of Internet advertising research (Journal of Advertising, Spring 2008)
- 2nd Most Cited Contributor in Internet-related Research in advertising journals. (Journal of Advertising, Fall 2006)
- 9th Most Cited Contributor in Internet-related Research in all leading journals in marketing, advertising and communication combined among 1,045 scholars. (Journal of Advertising, Fall 2006)