
Dana L. Alden

Alden, D.L., Friend, J. Frankel, L, Jibaja-Weiss M. (2018), "The Effects of Culturally Targeted Decision Aids on Medical Consultation Preparation for Hispanic Women in the US: Results from Four Randomized Experiments," Social Science & Medicine, 212 (September), 17-25.

Alden D.L., Friend J., Lee P.Y., Lee Y.K., Trevena, L., et al. (2017), "Who Decides - Me or We? Family Involvement in Medical Decision Making in Eastern and Western Countries," Medical Decision Making, 38(10), 4-25 

Alden D.L., Kelley J.B., Chen Q., Youn J.B. (2016). “Understanding Consumer Motivations to Interact on Brand Websites in the International Marketplace: Evidence from the U.S.,China, and South Korea,”Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5909–5916.

He Y., Chen Q., Alden D.L.(2016). “Time Will Tell: Managing Post-Purchase Changes in Brand Attitude,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(6), 791-805.

Alden D.L., Friend J., Lee A., De Vries M., Osawa R., Chen Q. (2015) “Culture and Medical Decision Making: Health Care Consumer Perspectives in Japan and the U.S.,” Health Psychology, 34(12), 1133-1144.

Alden D.L. (2014), “Decision Aid Influences on Factors Associated with Patient Empowerment Prior to a Cancer Treatment Decision Making,” Medical Decision Making, 34 (7), 884-898.

Alden D.L., Friend J., Schapira M., Stigglebout A. (2014), “Cultural Targeting and Tailoring of Shared Decision Making Technology: A Theoretical Framework for Improving the Effectiveness of Patient Decision Aids in Culturally Diverse Groups,” Social Science & Medicine (105 March), 1-8.

Alden D.L., Kelley J.B., Riefler P., Lee J.A., Soutar G.N. (2013), “The Effect of Global Company Animosity on Global Brand Attitudes in Emerging and Developed Markets: Does Perceived Value Matter?”, Journal of International Marketing, 21(2),17-38.

Alden D.L., Steenkamp J.B., Batra R. (2006), “Consumer Attitudes toward Marketing Globalization: Antecedent, Consequent and Structural Factors,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23, 227-239.

Steenkamp J.B., Batra R., Alden D.L. (2003), “How Perceived Brand Globalness Creates Brand Value,” Journal of International Business Studies, 34(1), 53-65.

Alden, D.L., Steenkamp J.B.,Batra, R. (1999), "Brand Positioning Through Advertising in Asia, North America and Europe: The Role of Global Consumer Culture,"Journal of Marketing, 63 (January), 75-83.

Alden, D.L., Hoyer W.D., Lee C. (1993), "Identifying Global and Culture-Specific Dimensions of Humor in Advertising: A Multinational Analysis,"Journal of Marketing, 57(2), 64-75.

Qimei Chen 

Chen, Qimei, Yi He, Miao Hu and Jaisang Kim "Navigating Relationship Norms: An Exploration of How Content Strategies Improve Brand Valuation Over Time," forthcoming, Journal of Advertising.

You Ya, Yi He and Qimei Chen, “Our Conditional Love for the Underdog: The Effect of Brand Positioning and the Lay Theory of Achievement on eWOM,” forthcoming, Journal of Business Research.

Miao Hu, Jie Chen, Qimei Chen and Wei He “It Pays Off to be Authentic: An Examination of Direct versus Indirect Brand Mentions on Social Media”, forthcoming, Journal of Business Research.

Ju, Ilyoung, Yi He, Qimei Chen, Wei He, Bin Shen, and Sela Sar (2017) "The Mind-Set to Share: An Exploration of Antecedents of Narrowcasting Versus Broadcasting in Digital Advertising." Journal of Advertising, 46(4): 473-486. (All authors contributed equally and random-ordered)

Zhu, Linlin, Yi He, Qimei Chen and Miao Hu (2017) “It’s the Thought that Counts: The Effects of Construal Level Priming and Donation Proximity on Consumer Response to Donation Framing,” Journal of Business Research, 76(July): 44-51.

He, Yi, Qimei Chen, Ruby P. Lee, Yonggui Wang, and Attila Pohlmann (2017), “Consumers' Role Performance and Brand Identification: Evidence from a Survey and a Longitudinal Field Experiment,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 38, 1-11.  (Lead Article) 

Nariswari, Angeline and Qimei Chen (2016) “Siding with the underdog: is your customer voting effort a sweet deal for your competitors?” Marketing Letters. 27(4, December), 701-713.  (Equal Contribution)

He, Yi, Qimei Chen, and Dana L. Alden (2016) “Time Will Tell: Managing Post-Purchase Changes in Brand Attitude,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 44(6, November), 791-805.

Lee, Ruby P., Qimei Chen and Nathan Hartmann (2016), “Enhancing Stock Market Return with New Product Preannouncements: The Role of Information Quality and Innovativeness,” Journal of Product Innovation Management. 33(4, July), 455-471. (All authors contributed equally)

He, Yi, Qimei Chen, Ruby Lee and Leona Tam (2016) “Managing Sub-Branding Affect Transfer: The Role of Consideration Set Size and Brand Loyalty,” Marketing Letters, 27(1), 103-113. 

Chen, Qimei, Yi He and Dana Alden (2014) “Social Presence in Service Failure: Why it Might not be a Bad Thing,” Customer Needs and Solution, 1(4), 288-297.

Zhao, Xinshu, John G. Lynch and Qimei Chen (2010) “Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and Truths About Mediation Analysis,” Journal of Consumer Research. 37(August), 197-206.  (Lead Article) (All authors contributed equally)

Lee, Ruby P. and Qimei Chen (2009), “The Immediate Impact of New Product Introductions on Stock Price – The Role of Firm Resources and Size,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(1), 97-107.

Chen, Qimei, Shelly Rodgers and Yi He, (2008) “A Critical Review of E-Satisfaction,” American Behavioral Scientist, Special Issue on "Psychology and the New Media,” 52(1), 38-59.   

Lee, Ruby, Qimei Chen, Dackwan Kim and Jean L. Johnson (2008), “Knowledge Transfer Between Multinational Corporations' Headquarters and Their Subsidiaries: Influences on and Implications for New Product Outcomes,” Journal of International Marketing, 16(2), 1-31. (Lead Article)

Shen, Fuyuan, and Qimei Chen (2007), “Contextual Priming and Applicability: Implications for Ad Attitude and Brand Evaluations,” Journal of Advertising. 36(1), 69-81. (Both authors contributed equally and random-ordered)

Griffith, David A., Stephanie M. Noble and Qimei Chen (2006) “The Performance Implications of Entrepreneurial Proclivity: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach,” Journal of Retailing, 82(1), 51-62.

Chen, Qimei, Shelly Rodgers and William D. Wells (2005) “Learning from Pop Culture: A Study Comparing Actual and Fictional Cell Phone Users Validates the New Research Method of Telethnography” Marketing Research, 17(4), 26-31.

Griffith, David and Qimei Chen (2004) “The Influence of Virtual Direct Experience on Online Ads Message Effectiveness,” Journal of Advertising, 33(1), 55-69. (Both authors contributed equally and random-ordered)

Chen, Qimei, Sandra Clifford and William D. Wells (2002) “Attitude Toward the Site II—New Evidence,” Journal of Advertising Research, 42(2); pp. 33-45. 

Chen, Qimei and William D. Wells (1999) “Attitude Toward the Site,” Journal of Advertising Research, 39(5); pp.

Nathan N. Hartmann

Weiland, H., Hartmann, N.N., and Vargo, S. (Forthcoming). Reconceptualizing the Business Model through an Institutional Lens. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Lussier, B., and Hartmann, N.N. (Forthcoming). How Optimism and Resilience Increase Salesperson’s Sales Performance and the Satisfaction of Their Customers: The Mediating Role of Customer-Oriented Behaviors. Industrial Marketing Management. [Both authors contributed equally].

Hartmann, N.N., Rutherford, B., and Park, J.K. (Forthcoming). Sequencing of Multi-faceted Job Satisfaction across Business-to-Business and Retail Environments: A Multi-group Analysis. Journal of Business Research. [The first two authors contributed equally].

Lee, R.P., and Chen, Q., and Hartmann, N.N. (2016). Enhancing Stock Market Return with New Product Preannouncements: The Role of Information Quality and Innovativeness. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33 (4), 455-471. [All authors contributed equally].

Hartmann, N.N., and Rutherford, B.N. (2015). Psychological Contract Breach’s Antecedents and Outcomes in Salespeople: The Roles of Psychological Climate, Job Attitudes, and Turnover Intention. Industrial Marketing Management, 51, 158-170.

Sheng, M.L., Hartmann, N.N., Chen, Q., and Chen, H. (2015). The Synergetic Effect of MNC Management’s Social Cognitive Capability on Tacit Knowledge Management - Product Innovation Ability Insights from Asia. Journal of International Marketing, 23 (2), 94-110.

Hartmann, N.N., Rutherford, B.N., Feinberg, R., and Anderson, J. (2014). Antecedents of Mentoring [in Salespeople]: Do Multi-Faceted Job Satisfaction and Affective Organizational Commitment Matter?Journal of Business Research, 67 (9), 2039-2044.

Hartmann, N.N., Rutherford, B.N., Hamwi, G.A., and Friend, S.B. (2013). The Effects of Mentoring on Salesperson Commitment. Journal of Business Research, 66 (11), 2294-2300.

Rutherford, B.N., Hamwi, G.A., Friend, S.B., and Hartmann, N.N. (2011). Measuring Salesperson Burnout: A Reduced Maslach Burnout Inventory for Sales Researchers. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 31 (4), 429-440.

Miao Hu

Zhu, Linlin, Yi He, Qimei Chen and Miao Hu, “ It’s the Thought that Counts: The Effects of Construal Level Priming and Donation Proximity on Consumer Response to Donation Framing,” Journal of Business Research, (forthcoming)

Miao Hu, Derek D. Rucker, and Adam D. Galinsky (2016). From the Immoral to the Incorruptible: How Prescriptive Expectations Turn the Powerful into Paragons of Virtue. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin(June).

Derek D. Rucker, Miao Hu, and Adam D. Galinsky (2014), “The Experience versus The Expectations of Power:
A Recipe for Altering The Effects of Power on Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research (August), 381-396.

Aspy P. Palia

"Assessing Brand Portfolio Normative Consistency & Trends With The Normative Position of Brands & Trends Package," in: Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Proceedings of the Thirty-eighth Annual Conference of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL), 2012, Vol. 39, pp. 47-74, (2012).

"Countertrade," in: Sheth, Jagdish N. and Naresh K. Malhotra, eds., Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing. New York: Wiley, 2011. Bello, Daniel C. and David M. Griffith, eds., International Marketing, Vol. 6, pp. 16-18.

"Tracking Forecast Error Type, Frequency and Magnitude With The Forecast Error Package," in: Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Vol. 38 Proceedings of the Thirty-eighth Annual Conference of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL), 2011, pp. 45-58.

Palia, Aspy P. and Oded Shenkar (1991), "Countertrade Practices in China," Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 20, No. 1, February 1991, pp. 57-65.

"Worldwide Network of Countertrade Services," Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 19, No. 1, February 1990, pp. 69-76.

Stephen L. Vargo

Hartmann, Nathan, Heiko Wieland, and Stephen L. Vargo (2017),  "Business Models as Service Strategy," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (in press)

Vargo, Stephen L. and Robert F. Lusch (2016), “Institutions and Axioms: An Extension and Update Of Service-Dominant Logic,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 5-23

Barrett, Michael, Elizabeth Davidson, Jaideep Prahhu, Stephen L. Vargo, and (2015), “Service Innovation in a Digital Age: Key Contributions and Future Directions,” MIS Quarterly39(1), 135-54.

Akaka, Melissa Archpru, Stephen L. Vargo, and Robert F. Lusch (2013), "The Complexity of Context: A Service Ecosystems Approach for International Marketing", Journal of International Marketing, 21 (4), 1-20 (lead article)

Akaka, Melissa Archpru, Stephen L. Vargo, and Robert F. Lusch (2013), "The Complexity of Context: A Service Ecosystems Approach for International Marketing", Journal of International Marketing, 21 (4), 1-20

McColl-Kennedy, Janet R., Stephen L. Vargo, Tracey S. Dagger, Jillian C. Sweeney, and Yasmin van Kasteren (2012), "Health Care Customer Value Co-creation Practice Styles," Journal of Service Research, 15 (Nov), 370 - 89.

Vargo, Stephen L. and Robert F. Lusch (2011), “It‘s all B2B and Beyond…: Toward a Systems Perspective of the Market,” Industrial Marketing Management, 40 (2), 181-187.

Lusch, Robert L., Stephen L. Vargo, and Mohan Tanniru, (2010), “Service, Value-Networks, and Learning, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38 (1), 19-31.

Vargo, Stephen L. and Robert F. Lusch (2008), “Service-Dominant Logic: Continuing the Evolution,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36 (1), 1-10.

Vargo, Stephen L. and Robert F. Lusch, (2004), “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 68 (January), 1-17.

James R. Wills

Laurence W. Jacobs, James R. Wills, Jr, A. Coskun Samli, and William R. Bullard, “Internationalization of domestic product life cycles: An exploration of causality” International Marketing Review, Vol. 14 No.1, 1997, pp. 75-87.

Samli, A. Coskun, Gregory P. Wirth, James R. Wills, Jr., "High-Tech Firms Must Get More Out of Their International Sales Efforts" The International Journal of Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 23, No.4 (1994) pp. 333-342.

Wills, James R. Jr., "Winning New Business: An Analysis of Agency Activities," Journal of Advertising Research, (October 1992).

Samli, A. Coskun, Laurence Jacobs and James R. Wills, Jr., "What Pre and Post Services Do You Need To Be Competitive?" The International Journal of Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 21, No.1 (1991) pp. 33-41.

Wills, James R. Jr., Samli, A. Coskun and Laurence Jacobs, "Developing Global Products and Marketing Strategies: A Construct and a Research Agenda," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 19, No.1 (1991) pp. 1-10.

Samli, A. Coskun and James R. Wills, Jr., "Strategic Issues for Hi Tech Marketing" Advances in Business Marketing: A Research Annual, Vol.4, (Greenwitch, CT: Jai Press, Inc.) 1990, pp. 177-200.

Wills, James R., Jr., and John K. Ryans, "Attitudes Towards Advertising: A Multinational Study," Journal of International Business Studies (Winter 1982) pp. 121-131.

Yanmei Zheng

Zheng, Yanmei, Lisa E. Bolton, and Joseph W. Alba (2019), “Technology Resistance: The Case of Food Production Processes,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 38 (April), 246-262.

Rice, Dan, Alan D. J. Cooke, and Yanmei Zheng (2019), “The Impact of Bundle Comparisons on Bundle Preference,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32 (July), 297-316.   

Crolic, Cammy, Yanmei Zheng, JoAndrea Hoegg, and Joseph W. Alba (2019), “The Influence of Visual Product Design on Consumer Inference-Making,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4(4), 398-408.