University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Shidler College of Business

March 23 - April 23, 2025


Professor Dana L. Alden

APSMCC 2025 Coordinator

Two students working on a project together


The 2025 Asia-Pacific Sustainable Marketing Case Competition (APSMCC) is designed to promote knowledge excellence and leadership in Sustainability in the Asia-Pacific region. Given the challenges and risks faced by businesses due to climate change, environmental pollution, and social equity in supply chains, increasing students' understanding of the best practices in sustainable marketing is of paramount importance.

The 2025 APSMCC case competition, sponsored by the Shidler College of Business, University of Hawai’i, seeks to:

  • Co-create ideas and solutions to problems affecting local and regional communities;
  • Harness the power of the academic community in the Asia-Pacific Region;
  • Engage educational institutions and business leaders in the promotion and development of sustainable marketing education and curriculum;
  • Enhance understanding of sustainable marketing management strategies and tactics in different national markets and cultural settings; and
  • Discover and explore innovative solutions to issues and challenges related to sustainable marketing.

In addition, APSMCC aims to develop and enhance the level of critical thinking and consulting skills of our students through a timed case analysis. Ultimately, the collaboration will create a more unified global academic community and a stronger academe-industry linkage driven by the pursuit of a sustainable future.

First place team will be awarded a $1,000 honorarium, second place a $500 honorarium, and third and fourth place teams, $250 honorariums each.

Two students working on a project together

2025 APSMCC Sponsor and Participating Universities

University of Hawai’i - Shidler College of Business

Established in 1949, the Shidler College of Business is a leader among U.S. business schools for its expertise in international business education, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region. Shidler College of Business provides students with an in-depth understanding of the best business practices, an awareness of languages and cultures, and a solid comprehension of emerging technologies within today's complex global economic environment.

The 2025 APSMCC was formed through a consortium of the following universities:

Griffith University Logo
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Logo
University of Hawaii Logo
University of West Australia Logo
University of Canterbury Logo
Waseda University Logo
Yonsei University Logo
University of Hong Kong Business School Logo

Two students working on a project together

Teams Guidelines and Format

Asia Pacific Region University Teams

Eight universities are currently committed to participating in the 2025 APSMCC

  • Griffith University
  • Hong Kong University
  • University of Auckland
  • University of Canterbury
  • University of Hawaii
  • University of Western Australia
  • Waseda University
  • Yonsei University

If your university is interested in joining, please complete the entry form on this website. The competition's sponsor will review the entry form to ensure that the university is located in the Oceanic Asia Pacific Region and, therefore, qualified to join

Team Composition

Each team should have exactly five presenting team members. Each participating university may have up to three teams. Members of the team can be undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled at their schools as of the date of the competition. Non-business majors are welcome to participate.

Competition Details


March 10, 2025 - Final day to register by 11:59 PM HST.

March 23, 2025 - Case delivered to team coaches.

April 11, 2025 - Video recording of team presentation and case write-up submitted to judges via Team Dropbox.

April 14 - April 17, 2025 - Live Q&A with the judges (30 minutes each).

April 23, 2025 - A Zoom meeting (time to be arranged) of all team competitors, coaches, and judges was held to announce the 2025 APSMCC winners and award the $1,000 first prize, $ 500 second prize, and $250 third and fourth place prizes.


The teams will submit their case presentation as a video recording with team members in business attire. PowerPoint or other digital presentation slides will be shown on a screen behind the presenters. Team members will work with the slide presentation, addressing the judges like they were in the audience. Cue cards and phones with notes are not allowed. Presenters will review their slides in a professional manner, hitting the highlights as noted on the screen, but not reading from slides on the screen. Teams should practice moving their attention between the screen and the camera representing the judges. Three judges will review the presentation and rate the quality of the content and the professionalism of the delivery. Additional details will be provided to teams and judges in the next few weeks. There is no limit on the number of slides in the presentation. However, each presentation will be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Every team member must have a speaking role.


Teams will also prepare a written case analysis using a double-spaced, standard margin format with numbered pages, references, and supplementary materials at the end. Additional details will be provided to coaches and teams in the next few weeks.


After the judges have reviewed each team's video presentation and write-up, a 30-minute Zoom meeting will be scheduled with each team. The meeting will include only the judges, team members, and coach, and the APSMCC coordinators.


Competition slides and write-ups will be uploaded to a Dropbox file that will be shared with each team individually. Only the team, the judges, and the APSMCC coordinator will have access to the team's folder. Both the slide presentation and the case write-up must be uploaded by the same due date.

Evaluation Criteria and Rules

Judging Criteria

Presentations will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Quality of Case Analysis (40%)
  • Quality of Recommendations (30%)
  • Quality of Video Presentation (10%)
  • Quality of Case Write-Up (10%)
  • Quality of Q&A (10%)

Competition Rules

Teams are encouraged to obtain advice from their coaches in preparation for the competition. However, the slide presentation and the write-up must be the students' work.

Advisors/Coaches are welcome to observe their team during their presentation. However, they will not be permitted to sit in on the judges' deliberations.