TIM Loui Computer Lab & Gee Technology Center Policies & Procedures
Using any computer on the TIM domain (network), you agree to TIM rules and policies, as well as the Student Conduct Code and the Use and Management of Information Technology Resource Policy (E2.210).
- NO food or beverages allowed.
- The lab is primarily a study area. Take loud and disruptive conversations outside of the Lab.
- DO NOT move or remove chairs.
- Use headphones to limit disturbances to other users.
- DO NOT move/remove any lab equipment, cables, cords or connections.
- Installation of other applications is not allowed.
- DO NOT attempt to fix jams in the printer. Please notify TIM IT personnel in George 114. If staff is unavailable, use the UH ITS Computer Lab printing services.
- ONLY use the printer paper loaded in the printers. Personal printer paper or specialty paper is not allowed.
- USE of TIM computers is limited to educational and research purposes. If you are caught browsing on social media or other websites when the computer lab is full, you will be asked to leave.
- LOG OFF when you are done using the computer.
- If you forget your TIM password, it can be reset. See TIM IT support personnel in George 114 or send an email to timtech@hawaii.edu.
- We are not responsible for unattended items that may be lost, stolen, or damaged. (You may inquire about lost items in George 114, George 346, and/or UHM Lost and Found.)
Misuse of TIM facilities may result in the loss of your privilege to use them and other disciplinary action.
TIM Computer Use Account
Use of TIM computer facilities are restricted to the following:
- TIM faculty and staff
- TIM MS graduate students
- Undergraduate students with a major or minor in TIM
- TIM visiting scholars
- Non-TIM students (pre-approved) carrying out research work under a TIM faculty member
- Non-TIM students taking a TIM course (limited use)
Obtain a TIM Computer Lab Account
- Complete the online TIM Computer Lab Account form. The link to the form is also posted in the Loui Lab in George 114 or TIM office in George 346.
- Notices for account creation will NOT be sent out. Allow up to 48 business hours before attempting to log in.
- Instructions on password creation requirements and the default login password are posted in the Loui Lab in George 114.
- If, after 48 hours, you are still having trouble using your TIM account, please see the TIM IT support personnel in George 114 or email for assistance.
TIM computer user accounts expire on the expected graduation date as indicated on the TIM Computer Lab Account form request. TIM user account expiration can be extended by notifying TIM IT support personnel.
TIM Printing Policy and Procedure
- Each student is given a 300-page print quota per semester (200 pages for summer). Once the quota limit has been reached, students will need to print elsewhere.
- Single- or double-sided printing is available. Select the appropriate printer before you confirm your print job. Students must also take an additional step to release their print job from the print release station located next to the printers. Jobs not released will be automatically purged after 90 minutes.
- NO print “credits” or “refunds” will be given for misprints.
- To provide each student with reasonable access to printers, each print job is limited to 25 pages. Any job sent to the printer that is larger than 25 pages, will be ignored.
- Color printing is NOT available in the TIM Lab. Please go to Hamilton Addition or the Rainbow Copy Center (Bookstore).
Saving Your Work
Students should bring their own media to save their work. TIM will not be responsible for loss of data, damage, or loss of personal items. Each student is responsible to maintain backups of data and keeping track of personal items.
TIM IT personnel provide hardware and software support to TIM faculty, staff, and students.
Important announcements and general information are also posted on the Loui Lab bulletin board.