Business Night 2025

Scene from Business Night 2019: Two students at lecturn addressing a nearly full ballroom

The Shidler College of Business is celebrating its 64th annual Business Night event, bringing together students with local business professionals for an evening of scholarly recognition and mentoring.

This event provides many students with their first connections with the business community and fosters the networking and mentoring process. In years past, Shidler students have benefitted from the event through career development opportunities, internships, and community service projects.

Additionally, we are pleased to recognize many students at the event for their outstanding academic achievements.

If you are interested in being an award sponsor for 2025, please contact Irina De La Torre, Associate Director of Development, at (808) 956-6656 or 

2025 Business Night Awards List

Award Name Amount Donor
Special Student in Accounting Award $1,500.00 CW Associates, CPAs
Outstanding Master of Accounting Student Award $2,000.00 Deloitte & Touche LLP
Outstanding Student in Accounting Award $2,000.00 Ernst & Young LLP
Special Junior in Accounting Award $1,500.00 Hawaii Association of Public Accountants - Oahu Chapter
Outstanding Senior in Accounting Award $2,000.00 Hawaii Association of Public Accountants - Oahu Chapter
Outstanding Senior in Accounting Award $2,000.00 KPMG LLP
Distinguished Student in Accounting Award $3,000.00 Spire Hawaii LLP
Special Junior in Accounting Award $1,500.00 N&K CPAs, Inc.
Outstanding Student in Accounting Award $2,000.00 Accuity LLP
Award Name Amount Donor
Special Student in Real Estate Award $1,500.00 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
Outstanding Financial Analyst Award $2,000.00 American Savings Bank
Outstanding Graduate Student in Finance Award $2,000.00 Bank of Hawaii Corporation
Outstanding Senior in Finance Award $2,000.00 First Hawaiian Bank
Special Student in Finance Award $1,500.00 TBD
Award Name Amount Donor
Special Senior in Human Resource Management Award $1,500.00 Bishop & Co.
Distinguished Student in Management Award $3,000.00 Central Pacific Bank Foundation
Special Student in Human Resource Management Award $1,500.00 Hawaii Compensation Group (HICOMP)
Special Senior in Human Resource Management Award $1,500.00 Hawaii Employers Council
Outstanding Student in International Business Award $2,000.00 Servco Foundation
Outstanding MBA in Operations Management Award $2,000.00 Matson
Award Name Amount Donor
Special Student in Entrepreneurship $1,500.00 Jennifer Barrett Creative
Outstanding Student in Entrepreneurship Award $2,000.00 KTA Super Stores in honor of Koichi & Taniyo Taniguchi
Award Name Amount Donor
Special Student in Marketing Research Award $1,500.00 Anthology Marketing Group
Special Student in the Masters of Science in Marketing Management $1,500.00 Dr. Dana Alden and Dr. Qimei Chen
Special Student in New Venture Marketing $1,500.00 Dr. Dana Alden and Dr. Qimei Chen
Special Student in Sustainable Marketing Management $1,500.00 Better Business Bureau
Outstanding Senior in Marketing Award $2,000.00 Manageability LLC
Outstanding Junior in Marketing Award $2,000.00 Society for Marketing Professional Services Hawaii (SMPS)
Distinguished Student in Digital Marketing Award $3,000.00 The Wedding Ring Shop
Outstanding Student in Sustainable Marketing Management $2,000.00 Ulupono Initiative
Distinguished Student in Sales and Sales Management Award $3,000.00 Y. Hata & Co., Limited
Award Name Amount Donor
Outstanding Student in MIS Award $2,000.00 Ernst & Young LLP
Special Student in MIS Award $1,500.00 Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA )- Hawaii Chapter
Award Name Amount Donor
Special Student Leader in TIM $1,500.00 SKAL International Hawaii
Special Senior in Hospitality $1,500.00 Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach
Outstanding Senior in Tourism and Transportation $2,000.00 Alaska Airlines
Outstanding Senior in Hospitality $2,000.00 Marriott Waikiki Complex
Outstanding Junior in TIM $2,000.00 Marriott Waikiki Complex
Special Senior in TIM $1,500.00 Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Special Junior in TIM $1,500.00 Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Special Graduate Student in TIM $1,500.00 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) - Hawaii Chapter
Special Senior in Leadership in TIM $1,500.00 Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach
Distinguished Student in TIM $3,000.00 TIM Alumni Association
Award Name Amount Donor
Dean’s Professional Development Award $1,500.00 Financial Executives International - Hawaii Chapter
Special Freshman at the Shidler College of Business Award $1,500.00 First Foundation Bank and Advisors
Dean’s Spirit Award $2,000.00 First Insurance Company of Hawaii, Ltd.
Special Student in Leadership Award $1,500.00 Hawaii Business Magazine
David Bess Leadership Award $3,500.00 Helm Family Trust
Dean’s Service Award $2,000.00 Marriott International
Special Senior at the Shidler College of Business Award $1,500.00 ProService Hawaii
Outstanding Sophomore at the Shidler College of Business Award $2,000.00 Shidler College of Business Alumni Association
Outstanding MBA at the Shidler College of Business Award $2,000.00 HouseMart Ben Franklin Crafts & HouseMart ACE Hardware Stores

Title Sponsor

First Insurance Company of Hawaii Logo

Media Sponsor

HawaiiBusiness Magazine Logo