Accounting Major
The undergraduate accounting program provides students with an educational foundation for entry into a wide range of accounting careers and enables students to pursue graduate or advanced professional education.
Entrepreneurship Major
The entrepreneurship major is designed to prepare future entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to start their own businesses.
Finance Major
The major in Finance is designed to develop analytical skills in the planning, management and control of financial resources to achieve the financial goals of an organization.
Human Resource Management Major
The major in Human Resource Management will assist business students in becoming more effective in their performance by helping them recognize the potential of individuals in the workplace, and structure a positive, supportive, and constructive work environment, allowing the organization to fulfill long-term goals and objectives.
International Business Major
Through the study of International Business, one develops an understanding of the global environment and how businesses must adapt to that environment if they are to succeed. The Shidler College of Business International Business program has been consistently ranked in the Top 20 in the nation by U.S. News and World Report.
Management Major
Today's managers work in complex organizational structures. They are concerned not only with employees and customers, but with the social, economic, political, and technological aspects of their environment.
Management Information Systems Major
The MIS major prepares students to actively participate in this information revolution in business.
Marketing Major
The field of Marketing discovers the needs and wants of people and creates products and services to satisfy those needs and wants.
Travel Industry Management Major
The School of Travel Industry Management offers a bachelor of science (BS) degree in travel industry management with two emphasis areas of study within the major: hospitality management and tourism and transportation management.