Degree Requirements

As a Bachelor of Business Administration candidate, you must complete the General Education Core and Graduation requirements pertinent to the year that you entered the University of Hawai‘i system. For detailed information on all requirements, schedule an appointment with an academic advisor. You may also download a copy of the BBA program requirements sheet here.

You should note that prerequisites and sequencing of courses are strictly enforced. For course descriptions and prerequisites, check the University Catalog.

General Education Foundation Requirements:

Written Communication (FW): One Course

  • ENG 100, 190, ESL 100

Quantitative Reasoning (FQ): One Course

  • Calculus required for Admission to Shidler: NREM 203, BUS 250, MATH 203, 215, 205/241, or 251

Global and Multicultural Perspectives (FG): Two courses, each selected from a different group (A, B, or C)

List of available FG courses can be viewed here.

General Education Diversification Requirements:

Arts, Humanities, Literature (DA, DH, DL): Two courses, each from a different group

  • COMG 151 or 251 (SP 151, 251) (DA) will satisfy Pre-Business Core requirement.
    Students can choose either a DH or DL to fulfill second requirement

Natural Sciences (DB, DP, DY): Two lecture courses AND one lab

  • Biological Science (DB)
  • Physical Sciences (DP)
  • Science Lab (DY)

Social Sciences (DS): Two Courses, each from a different department

  • ECON 130 and 131 meet Pre-Business Core
  • PSY 100 OR SOC 100 meets the prerequisite requirement for BUS 315

Graduation Requirements:


Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues (H, HAP): One Course, any level

Contemporary Ethical Issues (E, ETH): One Course, 300-level or higher

Oral Communication (O, OC): One Course, 300-level or higher

Writing Intensive (W, WI): Five Courses, at least two courses must be 300-level or higher

  • FW does not satisfy a WI requirement

Students who have transferred into UH Manoa from a NON-UH SYSTEM SCHOOL have a pro-rated Focus requirement based on the number of accepted transfer credits upon admission.

Transfer Credits W H E O
0-36 5* 1 1 1
37-54 4* 1 1 1
55-88 3* 1 1 E OR 1 O
89+ 2* 1 0 0

*At least two Writing Intensive courses must be 300-level or above


Shidler has adopted a modified HSL requirement. Students of the Shidler College of Business must complete one of the following options to satisfy the Hawaiian/Second Language/Culture requirement.

  1. A four semester sequence of a single language (or proven competency via a language requirement waiver or completion of 202/212 or higher)
  2. 12 credits of international culture courses. Courses must be from one culture of study, to be chosen from approved list. Click here to see the list of approved culture courses.
  3. Combination of language and culture study. The language and culture courses do not need to match; and they may be taken in any combination to fulfill the four semester requirement (i.e. one language with three cultures; two language with two cultures, etc.)  The language must continue in the same language and the culture courses must come from the same culture group:
    Example: French 101 & French 102 with 2 Greek culture courses;
    Japanese 101,102, and 201 with 1 Chinese culture course;
    Spanish 101 with 3 Hawaiian culture courses).
    See your academic advisor if this category is not clear.
  4. Participation in a study abroad or international exchange program. Program must be twelve credits or more, taken during the fall or spring semester (summer is not eligible for a waiver of HSL).

*For all General Education Core classes, students must receive a minimum grade of “D” or higher (“D-” grades will not be counted as satisfying gen-ed requirements)


Shidler College of Business Requirements

Completion of admission/pre-business requirements to Shidler College. Please refer to Admissions page here.

Business Core:

  • BLAW 200: Legal Environment of Business
  • BUS 310: Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions
  • BUS 311: Information Systems for Global Business Environment
  • BUS 312: Principles of Marketing
  • BUS 313: Economic and Financial Environment of Global Business
  • BUS 314: Business Finance
  • BUS 315: Global Management and Organizational Behavior
  • BUS 345: Strategic Management
BUS 310 and 311 must be completed within a student’s FIRST SEMESTER in the Shidler College of Business.

BLAW 200, BUS 310- 315 must be completed PRIOR to BUS 345, which is taken in a student’s final semester.

Business Communication:

  • BUS 209, ENG 209, ENG 306, OR ENG 307 (All are Writing Intensive courses)
  • If ENG 306 or 307 is taken, it may NOT be used to fulfill both business communication and Upper Division Elective requirements.

International Business Elective:

  • One international business course, may be taken as either a) an approved course within the student’s major or b) a non-major course used to satisfy an Upper Division Elective requirement
  • List of approved courses can be found here.


Five to Six courses, depending on the major.

Course sequence may be determined by prerequisites, as found in the University Catalog.

Upper Division Electives:

Nine Credits

  • All credits must be 300 or 400-level courses
  • Three credits must be non-business; six credits may be non-major
  • Courses toward a minor may be used to satisfy these electives, if the courses meet the above conditions
  • Courses used towards a major may NOT be used towards an academic minor
  • No more than three credits of BUS 395 (Internship) may be used to satisfy these electives
  • No courses used to fulfill the General Education Core may satisfy these electives

Students in the Shidler College of Business are required to maintain a minimum cumulative Grade-Point Ratio (GPR) of 2.0. Students must also receive a minimum GPR of 2.0 for their Business Core and Major classes. All Shidler College of Business course requirements require no grade below a “C-” .

Students must earn 120 non-repeated college credits to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration. 30 credits must be earned at UH Mānoa. 45 credits must be upper-division (300-level or higher). 24 of those credits being earned in Shidler College of Business upper-division business courses and 9 credits (of the 24) earned in a student's business major AFTER official admission to Shidler College of Business.