Join us for "Contention, Credibility and Crisis: US-China Relations in a COVID World"
China’s increasing nationalism, in words and deeds, have given the world cause for concern. China’s moves threaten Taiwan’s airspace and possibly its independence. Impositions over governance in Hong Kong have been discouraging. Contention over strategic islands and waterways in the South China Sea have left Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Brunei wondering about the safety of commerce and their borders. Oppression in Xinjiang threatens to enflame Western China. Border skirmishes in the Himalayas have raised tensions with India. Tit-for-tat tariffs and accusations have aggravated relations with Australia. Recognizing the implications of the mega Belt and Road Initiative, Europe struggles to evolve policies on Chinese imports, while America worries that its international leadership is fading. In an age of globalization, where goods, people and human ideas and aspirations are meant to flow freely, China’s unrestrained ambitions are raising eyebrows everywhere. This Distinguished Lecture will therefore ask: How has this nationalism changed the prospects for collaboration? And how can business people, scholars, and political officials find positive pathways to deal with this new China?
Jay Fidell
Founder, President & CEO
ThinkTech Hawaii, Inc.
Stephen J. Hartnett
Professor, Department of Communication
University of Colorado Denver
Stephen J. Hartnett is a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Denver. He served as the 2017 president of the National Communication Association and is a founding member of the Global Forum for Civic Affairs. His most recent books are A World of Turmoil: The United States, China, and Taiwan in the Long Cold War (2021) and the co-edited Imagining China: Rhetorics of Nationalism in an Age of Globalization (2017). He is co-founder, co-host, and co-organizer of the Biennial Conference on Communication, Media, and Governance, held in Beijing with the Communication University of China, and in 2022 is playing these roles for The Shanghai Dialogue: Conversations on Communication, Globalization, and Urbanization, co-sponsored by the Shanghai International Studies University. Hartnett also recently published the editorial, “No, China Will Not Invade Taiwan,” in SupChina.
Chiaoning Su
Assistant Professor of Communication, Journalism & Public Relations
Oakland University
Chiaoning Su is an assistant professor in communication, journalism, and public relations at Oakland University. She served as the 2018-2020 president of the Association for Chinese Communication Studies. Her previous work on journalism and East Asian geopolitics have been published in Media, Culture and Society, International Journal of Communication, Asian Journal of Communication, and the Taiwan Journal of Democracy. She is the recipient of the 2020 Honors College Inspiration Award and the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award at Oakland University. Prior to her academic career, Su worked as a communication specialist at Ogilvy Public Relations and for several political campaigns in Taiwan.
Presented by the Pacific Asian Management Institute and the University of Hawai‘i Center for Chinese Studies.
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