Executive Education Information Session RSVP Form

Learn more about Shidler's Executive MBA, Distance Learning Executive MBA and Master of Human Resource programs. Prospective candidates are invited to attend an information session. At this time you can meet the Executive Director, Faculty Director and alumni. We will cover the various program formats, the curriculum and the admissions process. The session will include a brief presentation followed by questions and answers. The information session is free to attend. Admissions process and program-related information can also be found online.

The Distance Learning EMBA (with an optional Health Care Management track and Travel Industry Management track) and Master of Human Resource Management programs begins in Fall 2026. The priority admissions deadline for Fall 2026 is March 1, 2026. The regular admissions deadline is June 1, 2026.

The next Distance Learning EMBA (with an optional Health Care Management track and Travel Industry Management track) and Master of Human Resource Management programs will start in Fall 2026.

You can also learn more about our Executive Education programs on our website or by contacting Executive Director, Olulani Garcia, olulani@hawaii.edu, (808) 956-5774.

Info Session Dates

Select which Info Session you would like to RSVP for.

Virtual "coffee hour" with the Shidler Executive Education Admissions team. 5:30 - 6:30 PM, HST.
Virtual "coffee hour" with the Shidler Executive Education Admissions team. 5:30 - 6:30 PM, HST.
Program(s) of Interest
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