2021-2022 Johnson Scholars

Spring 2022 Scholars

Tyler Johnson

I have never been to the UK before, and I believe that going abroad would be a great opportunity for me to expand my intercultural mindset and communication skills. Being able to study abroad will also allow me to learn and experience things that a classroom environment is unable to teach. Cheers!

Tyler Johnson

Finance & Management Information Systems

Roehampton University, United Kingdom

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Vanessa Lam

Vanessa is a junior at the University of Hawaii at Manoa majoring in marketing and international business. Vanessa works on campus as a marketing consultant and social media strategist at Manoa Now, a student media organization. Vanessa also is part of two clubs on campus: American Marketing Association and International Business Organization. Vanessa loves her unique college experience at UH, not every college student can expect sunshine everyday and destress at the beach. Vanessa will be traveling to Florence, Italy this spring semester to study abroad!

Vanessa Lam

Marketing & International Business

Lorenzo de Medici, Italy

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Marcus Mau

I was born and raised on Oahu and love my home but I'm so excited to have the opportunity to study abroad in Denmark. I was particularly interested in Denmark because of the Danish principle of "Hygge" which essentially is about enjoying the good things in life with people you care about (a big part of why Denmark is such a happy country). I'm so excited to learn more about Denmark's culture as well as meet other students studying abroad!

Marcus Mau

Finance, Management Information Systems, & International Business

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

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Noelle Nakaoka


Noelle Nakaoka

Finance & Marketing

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

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Fall 2021 Scholars

First Last

Studying abroad in Seville is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that allows me to be in a new environment where I can see the world from a new perspective. I am excited to push myself to new heights, develop friendships, create experiences, and grow myself both academically and professionally.

Kelsey Ann Arreza


The International College of Seville, Spain

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First Last

My journey in Denmark will be an incredible opportunity to grow personally and professionally. By simultaneously taking business courses abroad and diving into the Danish culture, I hope to gain worldwide perspectives that will benefit my career ahead. I am beyond excited and grateful to fulfill my long-term dream of studying abroad.

Ila Ferris

Marketing & International Business

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

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First Last

Growing up I would sit for hours listening to my dad's experiences living abroad. This sparked my goal of studying abroad and I am fortunate to take this journey in Copenhagen, Denmark. I hope to immerse myself in Danish culture, make new friends and grow my international mindset that will serve me throughout my life. 

Alyssa Mencel

Marketing & Management Information Systems

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

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Mark Ushiroda

Did you know that Denmark is ranked one of the happiest countries in the world? I am so excited to be given the opportunity to expand my knowledge in the beautiful country of Denmark this coming Fall! I can't wait to explore and adventure around Europe with my best friends!

Mark Ushiroda

Finance & Management Information Systems

University, country

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