2022-2023 Freeman Scholars

Spring 2023 Scholars

Jimwell Baja

Extremely humbled and blessed to be given the opportunity to live my dream of studying abroad. I can't wait to experience the culture and learn more about Japan's unique traditions and customs while expanding myself in ways only imaginable through experiences abroad.

Jimwell Baja

Finance & Management Information Systems

Keio University, Japan


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Rochelle Jokura

It was always my goal to study abroad, and I am very thankful and excited for this opportunity! I hope I am able to experience new and exciting things as I learn more about Japanese culture while abroad!

Rochelle Jokura

Accounting & Japanese

Waseda University, Japan


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Jennifer Kojima

Through studying abroad, I hope to take advantage of this amazing opportunity by fully immersing myself in the Japanese culture and language. I’m looking forward to exploring the historic sights and modern destinations, while enjoying Japan’s unique scenery and culinary specialties.

Jennifer Kojima

Accounting & Finance

Waseda University, Japan<


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Abigail Vanblaricom-Nutt

I am honored to have been given support from the Freeman Scholarship to pursue a study abroad experience in Tokyo, Japan. With my time abroad, I hope to build upon my understanding of my education at Shidler while pursuing first-hand research relevant to my Honors thesis. I am also excited to use my time in Tokyo to reconnect with my family living in Japan and build a better appreciation for my familial heritage.

Abigail Vanblaricom-Nutt

Management & International Business

Waseda University, Japan<


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Alyssa Williams

I am extremely grateful and excited for this opportunity to study in Japan; during my time there, I will immerse myself in Japanese culture and language. I hope to broaden my global perspective, challenge myself in a new environment, and form meaningful connections with others, and I am confident that this invaluable experience will propel me to continue to grow professionally and personally on my journey as a business student and into my future career.

Alyssa Williams

Accounting, Finance, & International Business

Keio University, Japan


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Fall 2022 Scholars

Britney Cabuhat

Through studying abroad, I hope to expand my knowledge and perspective of life and business in a different environment. I hope to learn more about Korean culture through various in-person aspects and absorb all that there is in South Korea. I look forward to being able to explore new insights and adapt myself to learning new ways, as well as the lifelong memories and growth I will gain from this opportunity.

Britney Cabuhat


Seoul National University, Korea

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Heesun Choi

I'm grateful for this opportunity to study abroad in Singapore. I'm looking forward to immersing myself in a new culture where I can grow global awareness, diverse cultural appreciation, and gain a better understanding of international business and personal development. While in Singapore, I hope to learn a new language, encounter new challenges, and meet new people.

Heesun Choi

Accounting & Management

National University of Singapore, Singapore

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Sarah Fusato

Studying abroad has been my number one goal in college and I have been looking forward to this opportunity! I hope to experience living in a completely new environment while learning more about Korean culture and learning about business from a new perspective.

Sarah Fusato

Accounting & International Business

Yonsei University, Korea

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Carson Ikeda

I am also thrilled to embark on a kaleidoscope of new memories that await me while I am in Korea. I hope to diversify my knowledge of Korean culture and I seek to absorb an ingrain of growth from this travel that will reflect years beyond throughout my life.

Carson Ikeda

Human Resource Management & Marketing

Yonsei University, Korea

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Lydia Jun

I am incredibly thrilled and honored to receive the Freeman Scholarship, which will enable me to reach my long-time goal of studying abroad. I expect to face many challenges throughout my time in Korea; however, I am ready to grow in unprecedented ways, expand my experiences and perspectives, and gain a new set of tools and knowledge that will prepare me to become a globally-minded business leader in Hawaii.

Lydia Jun

Finance, Management Information Systems, & International Business

Korea University Business School, Korea

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Jenny Lau

I look forward to all the eye-opening experiences and having a deeper understanding of Korean culture through meeting new people, trying new food, and immersing myself in the bustling city of Seoul.

Jenny Lau


Korea University, Korea

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Jessica Matsuda

I look forward to immersing myself in the South Korean way of living and gaining a greater awareness and understanding of Korean culture and business. Additionally, through exploring my opportunities and overcoming the challenges of living in a foreign country, I hope to grow and develop a deeper sense of self.

Jessica Matsuda

Accounting & Management Information Systems

Yonsei University, Korea

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Kasandra Miao

Studying abroad has always been a dream of mine because I believe that expanding your experiences through different environments will open your perspective and awareness of the world in a cultural and societal manner. I hope that gaining a business education in another country will not only help me grow academically, but also mentally and personally as I immerse myself with the people there and navigate with myself as an individual.

Kasandra Miao

Marketing & Fashion Design Merchandising

Chung-Ang University, Korea

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Jenna Muraoka

Studying abroad is a mix of experiential learning and collegiate walkabout, with a sprinkling of wandering with a purpose. Through this experience, I hope to find new strengths in myself, as well as contribute to building strong intercultural bonds amongst our global partners and peers.

Jenna Muraoka

Accounting & Finance

Chung-Ang University, Korea

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Ryan Nishizaki

During my time abroad, I hope to gain insight on Japanese business practices and develop the skills and tact to engage with foreign professionals. I would like to immerse myself into the culture and have a true Japanese college experience. I also hope to create lifelong friendships and reconnect with old friends.

Ryan Nishizaki

Finance& Travel Industry Managementd>

Keio University, Japan

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Stefani Sakamoto

I am extremely grateful and excited that I have the opportunity to fulfill my dream of studying abroad in Singapore. I look forward to immersing myself in the rich culture of Singapore, building life-long friendships, furthering my professional development, and making indelible memories

Stefani Sakamoto

Accounting, Human Resource Managemtn, & Marketing

National University of Singapore, Singapore

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Carter Suen

The opportunity to study abroad in Korea is not only a once in a lifetime chance, but the first time I get to really explore somewhere that is not Hawaii. I have lived in Hawaii my whole life with my family so exploring a new country alone will be a whole new challenge and chapter in my life. I hope I can expand my mindset and find myself more in my time in Korea.

Carter Suen

Management & Management Information Systems

Sogang University, Korea

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Tina Vo

Through studying abroad, adapting to a new environment will allow me to broaden my perspective while also allowing me to grow personally and professionally. I am thrilled to make the most of this incredible opportunity by building lifelong connections, traveling throughout Korea to learn about the culture, and growing into a better version of myself.

Tina Vo

Marketing & Managment Information Systems

Yonsei University, Korea

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