Shidler College of Business
Major Application
Fall 2025
Read the 5 parts of the application cover sheet:
1. Deadlines
2. Eligibility to apply
3. What decision you might expect to receive ("initial admission status")
4. Optional: Information on summer session I at UH Manoa
5. Click "Next Page" to proceed to the next part of the application
Priority Deadline: March 1, 2025 (12pm/NOON HST). Applications submitted by this deadline will be evaluated and notified of admission status before the start of the FALL registration period.
Final Deadline*: April 1, 2025. Applications submitted between the priority deadline and this final deadline will be evaluated, but may not receive an initial decision before the start of the registration period for next semester.
Late: Applications submitted after April 1, 2025 may still be considered for FALL 2025 admission (a petition would be required); an initial decision will not be returned before late May/June, though. Late applicants may also not be eligible to register for advanced business classes until the start of the fall semester, and are not guaranteed seats in business classes.
Eligibility for Admission
1. Current UH Manoa degree-seeking undergraduates must do the following:
- either (a) have completed all admission requirements or (b) be completing them in Spring 2025^
- Complete and submit this form (i.e, go the bottom of this page and click "Next Page" and complete the form) by the deadline
2. Applicants who are not current degree-seeking students at UH Manoa must do the following:
- submit an application to UH Manoa (we strongly recommend applicants submit OFFICIAL transcripts* to Manoa Admissions, even though they allow unofficial transcripts) for FALL 2025,
- submit an application to Shidler for FALL 2025 (below) by the deadline, and
- meet all admission requirements by the end of the SPRING 2025 semester^,
*UH Community College students do not need to submit UH transcripts (they are already accessible to us); only non-UH transcripts would need to be sent (if any).
Transfer students should have already received an offer of acceptance from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Office of Admissions, prior to completing the Shidler admissions application that begins on the bottom of this page. Students who have not been accepted by UH Manoa Admissions will not be eligible to receive a Shidler decision.
Initial Admission Status
You will be notified of your admission status via email to your UH email account. Most students should expect one of these three results:
1. Pending ("provisional") admission: Student meets the cumulative and pre-business core GPA requirements at the time application is submitted, and is currently enrolled in remaining pre-business core courses.
- Students will be able to register for 300+ level business courses for the upcoming semester at their registration time (provided any holds are removed)
- Students are required to register for and complete BUS 310 and 311 in the 1st semester (with a "C-" grade or higher; ACC majors must complete BUS 311 with a "C" grade or higher) as a Shidler student (unless already completed).
- If a student initially given a status of "pending" does not complete their admissions requirements after SPRING 2025 semester grades are posted (e.g., receives a "C-" or below in a SPRING 2025 pre-business course), the student would be dropped from all 300+ level business courses for FALL 2025, would have their major changed back to their pre-business major, and would not be allowed to re-register for upper-level business courses.
2. Unable to Offer Admission: The applicant does not meet the cumulative and/or pre-business core GPA at the time application is submitted, and/or has not completed or is not enrolled in remaining pre-business courses. In some cases, the applicant may be able to re-apply for a future semester.
3. Initially Unable to Offer Admission: Student is on track to meet credit and coursework requirements, but is not meeting GPA requirements ---but might at the end of the spring semester. In such cases, the committee may choose to delay making a decision until the applicant's Spring 2025 grades are finalized. Based on the final grades, a student might be awarded admission.
OPTIONAL: Summer Session I at Manoa Option for Fall AdmissionApplicants have the option of enrolling in Summer Session I* at UH Manoa to fulfill remaining admission requirement(s) and still be eligible for consideration for Fall 2025 admission to Shidler.
Complete this linked GOOGLE SUMMER FORM if you are planning to enroll in summer 2025 at UH Manoa to fulfill any remaining admission requirements. - Students intending to use this option must complete both the Shidler College Fall 2025 application (below) by the deadline as well as submit the Google Summer Form (above)
- Courses taken outside of Manoa (for example, at a Community College), or during Manoa Summer Session II*, will not be eligible for Fall 2025 admission.
- You must be logged onto your UH Gmail account to access the Summer form; requests for access to the form will not be awarded. (If you are having trouble, you will have to either (1) log out of all gmail accounts, then click on the link and log into just your account, or (2) open a Private/Incognito browsing window, paste in the summer form URL, and then log in to your account)
- Students using this option to take Summer Session I courses for Fall 2025 admission will not be eligible for the Shidler Global Leaders Program, as applicants for that program must be officially admitted to Shidler by May 31st (Summer Session I ends on July 1st).
- In general, no more than 8 credits should expect to be taken in a single summer session, and classes are not guaranteed in a specific mode (i.e., online or in person) in advance.
*Summer Session II ACC 210 Course
For Summer 2025, we were nto certain if it would be offer, but Accounting will be able to offer ACC 210 section 601. Please contact if you have any questions. |
IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicants must fulfill all admission requirements prior to being admitted to the Shidler College of Business. (Students with "Incomplete" grades cannot be admitted to the Shidler College of Business; any Incomplete grades must be resolved to a final grade prior to admission.)
Only one application (click the button at the bottom of the page) is necessary; please do not submit multiple applications.
Please contact if you have any questions.
Please select "Next Page" (below) to continue to the BBA admission application.